lives in Austin, Texas. He works in film and commercials and has done theater, improv and stand-up.
On this site you will find a little background on Greg, pictures from the set, video clips from some of his gigs, his resume and reels and his agent's contact info.
Acting Bio
Greg caught the acting bug early in life, and was completely hooked on performing by high school. After graduating at the ripe old age of 17, Greg was doing stand-up comedy at The Continental Hotel Casino in Vegas.
During this time his performances at various casinos routinely included heckling the hecklers and being escorted out for being underage - prompting him to make friends with a lot of security guards in those "pre-legal" years. The year he turned 21, he ran away and joined his first improv troupe, a group called Nine Pin.
His fascination with the big screen had him change his major to Film at UNLV. His very first on-screen role, while still in college, was in a Ray Steckler production called The Las Vegas Serial Killer. Yeah, just imagine that one.
Moving to Texas in the early 90's, Greg got back into the stand-up comedy scene, and quickly moved to Improv. He was a founding member and head writer for Monk's Night Out - an improv and sketch comedy troupe based at the famous Velveeta Room on 6th Street.
Their first year on stage, Monk's won Best Theater Troupe in Austin - wrestling the prize away from iconic Austin comedy show, Esther's Follies, where Greg would be writing as well as performing a few years later.
Currently, Greg's face can be seen in some commercials running on TV, and he is writing and producing his own projects.
Film Resume | Film Reel
Commercial Resume | Commercial Reel
Greg's agent is Kandy Stewart at
Legacy Talent Agency - 210-336-9371