October 13, 2012
Holy cow - did the entire year really fly by without any posts from me? YOW, I better do som equick updating here now:
Early on in 2012 I was finishing up all my classes at IADT, and finally graduated in July. I am now the proud owner of Bachelors of Fine Arts in Digital Media.
Did a short trip out to southern Californina with our son in August, right before he went back to school for fall. We drove him up and got him set up in his single dorm room.
Got a gig writing some spots for a new product that will be launching soon; still not sure if the spots wil actually get used, but crossing fingers.
Resumed work on my second children's book, but it keeps getting the fast shuffle as I get busier with "real" work. Still hoping to finish it this year so I can publish next spring.
Launched my film production company in September, and am currently raising seed money to get our first feature off the ground; Not going too bad!
Had a great gig with Phillips 66 end of September and beginning of October - shot for two days on some training videos, then did a live appearance at the rollout of that new training program down in Houston. Wa s alot of fun, and I learned quite a bit about Philllips 66.
Had a few decent auditions the past few weeks - one for a movie, and the others for commercials - it alwayds feels good to have setady work and auditions...
August 28, 2011
Wow - busy summer. Took a vacation to San Francisco with the family; saw our niece graduate from UC Santa Cruz, then spent a week in the City by the Bay, where we got to hang out with my brother. Walked all over SF, got some pretty nice pictures.
Then helped our daughter move into her new place - and regained lot of space in my studio as a result. My son got a job at Goodwill and worked his butt off for the remainder of the summer. Then we moved him back into his dorm room over the weekend at the end of August. Long drive, but a fun trip.
Friends have been emailing me that they have seen my Choice Hotels ad running - from all across the US. Pretty cool!
Classes started up again last week of August, upper-level courses - so I will be pretty busy the next 12 months - then I'm done.
May 14, 2011
Alek and I went downtown to try some delicious burger rumor out. Turns out Downtown Burger (Trinity between 3rd and 4th) makes a very tasty burger and fries. And that's it: burgers and fries - but worth the trip. Not sure if it was just the day we were there, but the guy at the counter had the personality of the Soup Nazi. Not a big deal - he was busy.
Then we walked around the area
breaking in my camera and hanging out. We hit the Museum of the Weird, and were treated to Ballyhoo Betty the Human Blockhead/Fire Manipulator - she put on a good show. I was trying to watch what was going on and almost forgot to take pix.
Met Steve-O the musician and his dog Mojo, and Henry, a gentleman sitting in front of a store across from the Driskill on 6th snapping his fingers and just digging the blues that were playing on the store's speakers.
Good day - until the Bruins got their asses handed to them big time by the Lightning later that night...
April 11, 2011
Had a busy March - lots of design work and acting work and a lot of travel up to Dallas. Did not get the film gig, but you can't win 'em all. My camera, Kodak Z712is, finally bit the big one. Can't say as I will miss it a lot. Bought it over three years ago and it has been in the shop at least 2 or 3 times a year, every year. The warranty is up now, and I sure as heck ain't paying to fix a poorly made camera. I will miss the quality of photos though. A friend recommended the Canon S-series to me, and I found a Canon S5is on ebay that suits my needs at a really good price. Can't wait to get it.
Will be getting back to my second book very soon - have not been able to finish the drawings for over a month, and am anxious to git back at it. Only have backgrounds left to do, so in theory it should not take that long...
March 8, 2011
Heading up to Dallas to shoot a commercial for Choice Hotels today - woot! Also had a few other auditions this past two weeks. One was for a Gerard Butler film in Shreveport - which is a pretty exciting one; and then three other commercials. So between all that, homework, design jobs and refinishing the table - been a tad busy.
February, 2011
Quite a busy month - especially in these last few weeks. Had a lot of freelance graphic design work, web site design, some logo stuff, and a lot of print pieces. can't complain. I need to spend more time on my book... On the acting front, have gone to Dallas a number of times for commercial auditions, had a big national audition here in Austin, and a film one put on tape for La. We'll see what happens there. Oh - and that Jimmy Johns commercial I shot a few months ago has started airing. Cool. I will be updating my clips page in the acting section of this site soon - check back last week of Feb...
January, 2011
Classes started on January 3. Am updating all my websites before the 10th; starting back in on my new book after that. May have a book/craft fair in February - waiting to hear about that.
December, 2010
Not entirely a bad year, I must admit. Had quite a bit of acting-related work later in the year, school took up a lot of my time, and finally published my first book in the spring. 2011 is looking to be a great year as well, I have quite a few projects workling at the same time, and am looking forward to my classes. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
November, 2010
Been working on the illustrations for my new (children's) book - having fun getting back into this amount of drawing. Hoping to get the book published early in 2011.
October, 2010
Some other good acting news coming up, will fill you in as it develops, may be pretty soon.
October 8, 2010
Just booked a commercial gig for Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches - very cool. They are shooting 6 spots in Austin, I think. I will be in the one where the guy (me) is stuck in traffic. I don't want to give away too much of the plot... but I get a sandwich delivered freaky fast.
September 24, 2010
Going to California to shoot some video blog spots for 360 Business Consulting! Woot, I'm a Corporate Shill! Spots should be live in October sometime; I'll try to remember to post.
Also have a TV spot for San Marcos Toyota running right now. I'm eating potato chips in a flower print shirt. I'm particularly proud of this spot for so many reasons...